The power of gratitude: 6 benefits of a gratitude practice

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA
Learn about the benefits of practicing gratitude, including the power of gratitude on your health and wellbeing. Plus, 9 ways to feel more grateful.
Many of us fall into the trap of feeling like what we have isn’t enough. And we find ourselves in a cycle of wanting more for ourselves and our lives. But when we focus on what we lack, it’s impossible to feel completely happy and satisfied.
Perhaps we rush out and buy that new thing everyone has, or we push for the next level in the career ladder. Sometimes, we strive to meet the perfect partner, yet are not satisfied once we’re in the relationship. The problem is that, even if we achieve what we’re aiming for, nothing stays shiny, new, and flawless for long. No job is perfect, and no relationship comes without challenges. So, we end up right back where we started — wishing and wanting more.
The way out of this trap might be a lot more straightforward than you think. And it starts with adopting the practice of gratitude into our lives.
6 benefits of gratitude
When we talk about gratitude, we're not just saying thanks for the big things in life. We’re also appreciating the little moments that sprinkle joy throughout our day. Being grateful might seem simple, but, although it’s simple in nature, its impact can be quite powerful.
By adding more gratitude to your day, you’re setting yourself up for a happier and healthier life. And the best part? It’s free and accessible to everyone, everywhere, at any time.
1. Gratitude can help you notice the positive in life
It’s easy to focus on the negatives, but when you practice gratitude, you’re better able to appreciate the good stuff around you, no matter how frustrating your day has been. Maybe a friend’s kind words are lifting you up or a beautiful sunset is making you appreciate the good in life. When you’re putting in the effort to be grateful, you’ll start noticing positive moments more often.
2. Gratitude reminds us what’s important
With so much happening around us, we sometimes forget what really matters. Gratitude acts like a gentle nudge, reminding us to value our loved ones, our health, and even simple pleasures like a tasty meal.
3. Gratitude encourages you to live in the present moment
Expressing gratitude grounds you in the present moment. When you're grateful, you're not ruminating in the past or worrying about the future — you're genuinely appreciating what’s taking place now. Being present is about enjoying that cup of coffee while it’s still warm or listening to a friend's story without thinking of what to say next.
4. Gratitude reduces comparison
Living a life of gratitude helps lessen the urge to compare yourself to others constantly. When you're thankful for what you have, you’re less likely to feel the need to have what other people possess. This practice can lead to increased self-esteem and it helps to reduce negative self-talk.
5. Gratitude can boost your mood
Think about a time someone thanked you. It felt good, didn’t it? When you feel and express gratitude in your daily life, it improves your mood. Positive emotions grow, and before you know it, you’re sharing that happiness with others around you.
6. Gratitude helps to strengthen relationships
Sharing your gratitude isn't just for you. When you express it to others, it strengthens bonds. Maybe it's thanking a friend for being there or appreciating a family member's effort in making dinner. Gratitude is a simple way to make connections even stronger.
9 ways to feel more grateful
Embracing gratitude doesn’t mean ignoring life’s challenges. It means choosing to focus more attention on the positives than the negatives. This, in turn, brings more abundance into your daily life. If you want to learn how to live a life full of gratitude, we’ve got some tips to help you get started.
1. Find your why
Before anything else, ask yourself why you want to be more grateful. It might be for overall mental health benefits, or you might be looking to have stronger bonds with your friends and family. Whatever your reasoning, knowing why you want to add more gratitude into your life will keep you motivated.
💙 If you need some motivation, press play on our 7 Days of Gratitude series.
2. Start small when adding gratitude to your daily life
If you're new to the practice, start by identifying one thing you're thankful for each day. Over time, this list will naturally grow.
You don’t need to find big reasons to be grateful. Enjoying a sunny day, the taste of your favorite ice cream, or a message from a friend can all spark that feeling of gratitude. By noticing these small moments, you’ll train your brain to naturally spot them more often.
💙 Even practicing Gratitude Before a Meal can help.
3. Use visual gratitude reminders
A great way to strengthen the habit of being grateful is through using gratitude signs. In the same way we use alarms to wake up or remind us of appointments, we can use gratitude signs to stop and remind us to be grateful throughout the day.
Some examples of signs you can use are red traffic lights, the sound of a creaky door, an airplane flying above, or children’s laughter. It doesn’t matter what you choose. The point is that every time you notice that sign, you stop for a moment and feel grateful.
You can even create your own gratitude reminders. Put up sticky notes with messages to ask yourself what made you smile today, or a reminder to name one good thing from that day. Place them where you'll see them often, like on your bathroom mirror, on your fridge, or next to your bed. These notes will prompt you to think about moments of gratitude in your day.
4. Document what you’re grateful for
Start a gratitude journal. Every night before bed, write down three things that made you feel grateful that day. They don’t have to be significant events — maybe a neighbor said hello, or you saw a cute dog on your walk. By consistently writing down what you're thankful for, you reinforce positive emotions.
💙 Need some guidance on how to start a journaling practice? Check out our Daily Gratitude Journal to get inspired.
5. Cultivate feelings of gratitude by saying it out loud
Expressing gratitude can be as simple as saying, "Thank you." If someone holds the door for you, acknowledge it with a smile and a thanks. If a friend shares their snack with you, let them know you appreciate it. Practice expressing gratitude openly. Not only does this elevate your mood, but it might also brighten someone else's day.
6. Practice mindfulness to create an attitude of gratitude
Being present in the moment allows you to truly appreciate where you are. Discover the power of mindfulness by embracing the present moment by trying a gratitude meditation practice.
💙 Curious about how to combine mindfulness with gratitude practice? Check out our Gratitude masterclass with Tamara Levitt.
7. Set aside a dedicated gratitude time each day
Dedicate a few minutes daily to simply sit and think about things you’re grateful for. See it as a mental health exercise. It can be in the morning as you start your day or in the evening as you wind down. Making it a regular part of your routine will turn gratitude into a habit.
8. Be kind to yourself
Some days, it may be difficult to find gratitude, and that's perfectly normal. No one should feel pressured to feel gratitude every single day. Inevitably, there will be days when it doesn't come naturally. However, cultivating a gratitude practice requires consistent effort. Just be gentle with yourself on the challenging days.
💙 Next time you need a boost, practice this 3-minute Kindness Towards Yourself meditation.
9. Try this simple gratitude exercise whenever you need a boost of gratitude
One practice you can do anytime to experience the benefits of gratitude is to take a moment to reflect back on a previous time that you felt grateful. It could be a time you were the recipient of kindness or achieved success, a moment where you appreciated your health, your home, or a talent or quality you possess. Perhaps it was a moment you enjoyed a celebration or being with a loved one. It can be a recent memory or from when you were young. Just choose any moment you remember being full of gratitude.
Reflect on that time, and, in your mind, experience it again as though you were enjoying it right now.
View the scene as if it were a movie
Hear the sounds around you, especially if you’re outside
Feel any sensations that arise
See the faces of any people nearby
Inhale deeply and feel the joy of that moment and the delight that comes with gratitude. Spend some time just enjoying how you feel. Remember, you can always come back to these feelings, even during hard days.
Living a life of gratitude FAQs
What does it mean to live a life of gratitude?
Living a life of gratitude means noticing and valuing the good things in your life, no matter how big or small. It's about appreciating what you have, from a cozy bed to a fun chat with a friend. When you live with gratitude, you focus more on the positive and less on what you don’t have.
How do I start living from gratitude?
To start living from gratitude, pay attention to the moments that make you smile or feel good. Here's a simple start: Every night before bed, think of three things you're thankful for from that day. It could be a kind gesture, a tasty meal, or a quiet moment. Over time, you'll naturally find more things to be grateful for.
What is a gratitude journal?
A gratitude journal is a personal diary where you can write down things you're thankful for each day. It's a simple yet powerful tool to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. By regularly recording moments, people, or things you appreciate, you train your mind to focus on the positive. This practice can enhance your overall well-being, improve your mood, and shift your perspective to notice and celebrate the good in your life. Whether it's jotting down a few words about a kind gesture from a friend or acknowledging a personal achievement, a gratitude journal serves as a repository of all the positive aspects of your life, big and small.
Why is living a life of gratitude important?
Living a life of gratitude is essential because it can make you feel happier and more content. By focusing on what you're thankful for, you're training your brain to spot the good in life. This helps you feel more positive, reduces stress, and makes challenges more manageable. In short, gratitude can make your days brighter.
What does a life of gratitude look like?
A life of gratitude is filled with moments of appreciation and thankfulness. It might look like thanking someone for holding the door, writing down things you're grateful for, or simply stopping to enjoy a beautiful sunset. It's about recognizing the good in every day and taking time to pause and say, "I appreciate this moment."