What is flow state? Find your flow with these 6 steps

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA
Learn all about flow state and how it benefits wellbeing. Plus, use our six-step guide to help you get into the zone including mindfulness meditation.
Do you ever find yourself so engrossed in a task that the world around you seems to melt away? It’s those moments where you feel totally in the zone, completely absorbed in what you're doing, almost like you're on autopilot. Except you’re fully present rather than your attention being focused elsewhere.
That’s precisely what we mean when we talk about ‘flow state’.
What being in flow state means
So, what exactly is flow state? It does sound a little bit mystical, we agree. Well, imagine a time where you last found yourself losing track of time whilst you were focusing on a specific activity.
It’s typically something enjoyable, but flow state can also occur during any activity that has your full attention. It could be anything from being engrossed in the pages of a good book, listening to music, painting, gardening or even putting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together. Deep-diving on a challenging project at work can also induce flow state.
In any of these examples, what tends to happen is once you get pulled out of flow state, you might glance at the clock and realize that hours have passed.
The concept of 'flow' was first proposed by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. He described flow as an optimal state of consciousness, a sweet spot where we're so absorbed in an activity that everything else seems to fade into the background.
When we enter the flow state, remarkable changes occur in the brain. Our prefrontal cortex, responsible for self-awareness and judgment, quiets down, allowing other brain regions to synchronize and work harmoniously. Neurochemicals like dopamine and endorphins flood our system, enhancing our motivation, creativity, and wellbeing.
So yes, the flow state is a bit mystical, but it's also intensely human. Best of all, it’s achievable. Accessing flow state is about creating that perfect alignment between your skills and the challenge at hand, and immersing yourself fully in the moment.
The 10 key characteristics of flow state
As we continue our journey into understanding the power of flow, it's important to remember that this state of consciousness isn't just about losing track of time or feeling engrossed in an activity. Flow state has a unique fingerprint that sets it apart from other mental states. Here are the ten defining characteristics that create the perfect conditions for flow state.
1. Your concentration is laser-focused on one thing
Flow state isn't your everyday focus. It's an intense, all-consuming concentration that’s targeted on what you're doing right now — and only that. It's like having blinders on, where the task is the only thing in sight (and in mind… and action).
2. You’re doing something challenging but achievable
Here's the thing. To achieve flow state, there has to be just the right level of challenge involved. Too simple and it’ll bore you, too hard and it’ll overwhelm you. So striking that perfect balance between the two helps to induce a state of flow. It can help to align the activity with your skills so that there’s a level of challenge but also mastery.
3. You’re engaged in something you enjoy (‘intrinsic motivation’)
In flow state, you're driven by the sheer joy of the activity itself. It isn’t about external reward or recognition, it's about that deep-seated satisfaction you get from simply doing something you love. This helps to drive flow state.
4. Your goal is crystal-clear
Clarity is key to achieving a state of flow. You need to know precisely what you're aiming to accomplish. This provides a sense of direction and purpose, acting as a beacon that serves to guide your actions.
5. You get immediate feedback
When you're in flow, you instantly know how well you're doing. This feedback allows you to adjust your actions as you go, keeping you on track and in tune with your progress. For example, when you play the piano you get real-time feedback: when you play the right note it sounds harmonious, but playing the wrong note disrupts the melody.
6. You feel a sense of control
This doesn't mean that everything is predictable or within your control. Instead, it's about feeling confident in managing the task and responding to challenges effectively.
7. You lose any feelings of self-consciousness
In a flow state, your focus is so intense that self-doubt and inhibitions fade away. You're not worried about failing or what others might think. You're just completely absorbed in the task. That’s the true essence of flow.
8. You lose track of time
Ever noticed how time seems to fly when you're having fun? Or sometimes, it might feel like it's stretching out? When you’re in flow state, your perception of time is altered in a way which typically feels like you’ve lost track of time.
9. You feel connected to what you’re doing (and at peace)
In flow state, there’s a feeling of deep harmony, connection and peace that’s present between you and the task at hand. It's like a dance where you and your activity sync, creating a harmonious experience that can linger afterwards.
10. You might end up forgetting about physical needs
When you’re in flow state, it’s not uncommon to find yourself forgetting to eat, drink or stretch your legs. This is because you’re so focused on and absorbed in the task at hand that you disconnect from your body. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but a rumbling tummy, full bladder or leg cramp might pull you out of your flow at some point and remind you to take care of your physical needs!
Each characteristic of flow state acts like the pieces of the puzzle — once they’re all aligned, flow state, well, flows. They don’t all have to be present at the same time but the more pieces of the flow state puzzle that you have, the more likely it is to achieve flow.
But knowing these characteristics is just half the battle. The real challenge is setting the stage for the conditions for flow state to thrive.
The benefits of flow state on wellbeing
Flow isn't just about performing at your peak or losing track of time while engrossed in an activity. Yes, those are part of it, but the true beauty of flow state lies in the powerful benefits it can have for your wellbeing.
Flow state can support happiness: When you're fully engaged in a task you love and are good at, there's a natural surge of joy. It's a state of pure contentment where you're simply enjoying the moment for what it is, not anxious about the future or ruminating on the past. It's about living fully in the now, and there's a lot of happiness to be found there.
Flow state can boost productivity: You can accomplish tasks more effectively and efficiently with intense focus and heightened creativity. Knowing you've given your all and produced something meaningful can bring a profound sense of fulfillment.
Flow state can help you cultivate self-confidence: Navigating a challenge successfully and seeing your skills in action can do wonders for your self-belief. It shows you what you're truly capable of, reinforcing your faith in your abilities.
Flow state can help you develop a sense of inner peace: In flow state, worries and distractions fade into the background. All the mental chatter quietens down that has many of us feeling stressed and anxious can feel like it finally eases. It's like taking a mini-vacation right where you are.
“It is when we act freely, for the sake of the action itself rather than for ulterior motives, that we learn to become more than what we were. When we choose a goal and invest ourselves in it to the limits of concentration, whatever we do will be enjoyable. And once we have tasted this joy, we will redouble our efforts to taste it again. This is the way the self grows.”
― Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Achieving flow state through mindfulness meditation
Flow state and mindfulness meditation are powerful allies. They both demand a level of presence, focus, and tranquility that can be cultivated together. By helping you to develop present-moment awareness, deepen concentration, and embrace intrinsic joy, mindfulness is a stepping stone to flow. New to mindfulness? Start here.
Intrigued? Ready to dive into the flow? Start your journey with Calm today and discover a new world of focus, creativity, and wellbeing. With mindfulness to guide you, flow is within your reach.
How to achieve flow state in 6 steps
So, now that we know what flow state looks and feels like, and how it benefits our wellbeing, let’s consider how to achieve it. Here's a simple, six-step guide to help you find your flow and get in the zone, fast.
1. Set clear goals
Remember how we discussed having a clear goal as one of the flow characteristics? It's also the first step in reaching flow state. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve gives you purpose and focus. Your goal could be anything from finishing a chapter of a book to coding a complex algorithm. Just make sure it's clear, precise, and meaningful to you.
2. Choose activities you enjoy
Flow comes more naturally when you’re engaged in something you love. It might be drawing, gardening, writing, or solving mathematical problems. Whatever it is, let your passion guide you.
3. Identify your peak creative times
We all have times during the day when we're more alert and focused. Maybe you're a morning person who hits peak creativity with the sunrise, or you're a night owl thriving under the moonlight. Identify these times and schedule your most challenging tasks for them. Understanding your chronotype can help.
4. Establish a pre-flow ritual
Rituals can signal your brain that it's time to focus. This could be something as simple as brewing a cup of tea, arranging your workspace, or doing a few minutes of stretching. Find a ritual that resonates with you and make it a part of your routine.
5. Practice mindfulness
Flow state and mindfulness are two sides of the same coin. Both require you to be fully present in the moment. Regular mindfulness practices such as meditation can train your brain to maintain focus, tune out distractions, and fully engage with the task at hand. You could try a quick meditation as part of your Pre-flow ritual, like Finding Focus with Jeff Warren.
6. Eliminate distractions
Let's face it, we live in a world buzzing with distractions. If you're going to find your flow, you need to create a space where you can concentrate. This might mean switching off your notifications, closing unnecessary tabs on your computer, or finding a quiet place to work. If you can’t find silence, try playing music like Infinite Lofi for Focus.
These steps aren't a one-size-fits-all solution. Everyone's journey to flow is unique; what works for one person might not work for another. The key is experimenting, being patient with yourself, and finding what works best for you. And remember, flow isn't a state that can be forced. It's more like a garden; you create the conditions, tend to it, and then watch it bloom in its own time.
Flow state FAQs
How do you trigger a flow state?
Triggering a flow state involves creating the right conditions. This means choosing an activity you love, setting clear goals, finding your peak creative times, establishing a pre-flow ritual, practicing mindfulness, and eliminating distractions.
What does it mean to be in a state of flow?
Being in a flow state means being so completely absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time, self-consciousness fades away, and you're fully focused and engaged. It's a state of optimal experience and performance.
What puts you in a flow state?
Activities you're passionate about and match your skill level are more likely to put you in a flow state. It's important that the task provides a balance of challenge and skill, offers clear goals, and provides immediate feedback.
What is an example of a flow state?
Imagine a writer sitting at their desk to work on their novel. They become so engrossed in their work that they don't notice the hours passing by. They’re fully immersed in shaping their characters and plot, forgetting about their surroundings, worries, and even their sense of self. This person is in a flow state.
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Getting into flow state is easy with mindfulness. The Calm app puts the tools in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life.