How to create a self-care plan personalized to your needs

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Explore the benefits a self-care routine can have on your mental health and wellbeing. Plus, 7 mindful strategies to create a personalized self-care plan.

Taking care of yourself is a necessity. Dedicating time to self-care is essential for maintaining your mental health and overall wellbeing. Personalized self-care strategies can help you manage stress, improve your mood, and enhance your personal wellness.


What is a self-care plan?

A self-care plan is a personalized, intentional approach to managing your wellbeing and is a commitment to treating yourself with kindness and compassion. But it can be flexible and evolve with your needs. It involves identifying what you need to thrive—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—and outlining a series of actions or routines that help you meet those needs. 

In recognizing your unique stressors and joys, you can craft self-care strategies that work for your personal wellness. By recognizing that your wellbeing is important in taking care of yourself, you're better equipped to face life's challenges and support those around you.

The benefits of a self-care plan & why you should create a self-care routine

Self-care strategies aren't all about indulgence. They can build resilience, happiness, and overall health. Having a self-care plan can help with the following:

  • Enhancing physical health

  • Reducing stress and anxiety

  • Improving mental health

  • Boosting self-esteem and self-compassion

  • Encouraging a healthier work-life balance

  • Promoting emotional resilience

  • Strengthening relationships


How to make your self-care plan a habit you'll stick to

Turning a new self-care routine into a lasting personal wellness habit can be challenging, but with the right approach, it's entirely achievable.

Start small

The key to forming new habits is to start small and gradually increase the complexity or duration of your self-care activities. If your goal is to exercise more, begin with short, 10-minute walks and slowly build up to longer sessions. This approach makes the task more manageable, increasing your likelihood of sticking with it.

Include activities you enjoy

Choose self-care activities that bring you joy and relaxation. If you enjoy nature, consider adding a weekly hike to your plan. If you love reading, dedicate time each evening to unwind with a book. When self-care feels like a treat rather than a chore, you're more likely to maintain the habit.

Set reminders

In the early stages, set reminders on your phone or write them in your planner. These prompts can help keep you accountable and ensure you don't forget your self-care activities amidst a busy schedule.

Be flexible

Some days will be busier than others, and unexpected obligations may arise. If you miss a self-care activity, don't be too hard on yourself, but look for ways to adapt your plan.


Build slowly over time

Once you've successfully incorporated one or two self-care activities into your routine, consider adding more. Building self-care strategies slowly can prevent overwhelm and make your routine more sustainable.

Keep it fun

Experiment with different activities to keep your routine fresh and exciting. The more you look forward to your self-care time, the more likely you are to prioritize it.

Reflect on your progress

Take time to reflect on how your self-care routine is impacting your life. Notice any improvements in your mood, stress levels, or overall wellbeing to motivate you to continue.

Seek support

Share your self-care goals with friends or family for additional motivation and accountability. You might even find a self-care buddy to share activities and celebrate achievements, making the process more enjoyable and supportive.


How to create your own self-care plan in 7 steps

To create a personalized self-care plan, reflect on your current lifestyle, identify your needs, and address those needs through deliberate actions. A self-care plan can include a wide range of activities and practices, from simple daily habits like staying hydrated and getting sufficient sleep to personalized strategies such as setting boundaries, engaging in hobbies, or practicing mindfulness, and meditation. Include activities that refresh and rejuvenate you, physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Most importantly, a self-care plan is designed to evolve as your life changes, allowing you to adapt to new challenges and priorities to support your overall wellbeing. 

1. Assess your current situation

Evaluate your daily routines, work-life balance, physical activity, diet, social interactions, and stressors to understand which aspects of your life need most attention.

2. Identify your needs

Pinpoint your specific needs. Where do you need more support or improvement? Is your physical health lacking exercise or a good diet? Are you emotionally drained and needing stress management strategies? Be specific about what you need to feel balanced and fulfilled.

3. Brainstorm activities to meet your needs

List activities that can help you achieve your goals. Only include activities you enjoy or find meaningful, as this will make it easier to include them in your routine. For physical health, activities might include walking, yoga, or joining a dance class. For emotional wellbeing, consider journaling, therapy sessions, or creative outlets like painting.


4. Set clear, achievable goals

Ensure your goals are specific, measurable, and realistic, taking into account your current lifestyle and commitments. If you're focusing on improving your physical health, a goal might be to exercise for 30 minutes three times a week. For emotional wellbeing, you might aim to practice 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation each day.

5. Schedule your self-care activities

Bring your chosen activities into your daily or weekly schedule. Be intentional about carving out time for self-care, just as you would for any other important appointment. Consistency is key, but flexibility is also important. Life can be unpredictable, so be prepared to adjust your plan as needed.

6. Monitor your progress and adjust as necessary

Regularly reflect on your self-care journey. What's working well? What challenges are you facing? Are there activities you don’t enjoy as much as you thought you would? Make changes to your plan so it works for you.

7. Seek support when needed

Share your self-care goals with friends or family members who can offer support, encouragement, and accountability. If you're struggling to meet your goals, consider seeking help from professionals, such as therapists and other healthcare professions for guidance tailored to your needs.


6 key pillars of a self-care plan

By focusing on different areas of your life, you can create a balanced approach to self-care. Not every pillar will require the same amount of attention at all times, so tune into your current needs and adjust your focus to support your personal wellness, however you’re feeling.

1. Physical care

Looking after your body might include exercising regularly to boost your mood and overall health, eating well to fuel your body and mind, getting adequate rest and sleep for recovery and wellbeing, and seeing your doctor on a regular basis to address or prevent health issues.

Physical care can directly impact your energy levels, mood, and ability to engage in other self-care strategies.

💙 The Daily Move from Mel Mah is a great way to incorporate mindful movement into your practice.

2. Emotional care

Practices that help you understand, express, and manage your emotions can include journaling to process feelings, seeking therapy or counseling for deeper emotional support, practicing self-compassion and kindness, or developing coping strategies for stress and anxiety. By prioritizing emotional care, you can enhance your resilience, mental health, and relationships.

💙 The Calming Anxiety breathing meditation can help you cope with big feelings.

3. Social care

Nurturing relationships is essential for our mental and emotional health. To cultivate a sense of belonging, support, and connection, you might consider spending quality time with friends and family, building and maintaining supportive relationships, engaging in community activities or groups that align with your interests, and setting healthy boundaries to protect your wellbeing.

💙 The Relationships With Others series are meditations to help you cultivate stronger bonds.


4. Spiritual care

Spiritual care is your sense of connection to something greater than yourself, whether through religion, spirituality, or personal beliefs about purpose and existence. Spiritual care can include meditation, prayer, spending time in nature, or pursuing activities that provide purpose, calm, and fulfillment.

💙 Try the Relaxed Open-Hearted Presence meditation to connect with yourself.

5. Intellectual care

Keeping your mind engaged and stimulated can involve reading, learning new skills, following creative pursuits, or doing any activity that challenges you and sparks curiosity. Intellectual care can contribute to cognitive health, personal growth, and a sense of accomplishment.

6. Professional care

For many, professional fulfillment can be a significant part of overall wellbeing. A meaningful, satisfying career, seeking balance in work demands, and setting goals for professional development can help support your emotional and mental health.

💙 The Mindfulness at Work series can teach you how to reduce stress while boosting your productivity.


Self-care plan FAQs

Can self-care plans change over time?

Self-care plans are intended to evolve as you do. As your circumstances change, so will your needs for self-care. Regularly reassessing your plan allows you to adapt to life's transitions and ensure your self-care practices remain relevant and supportive to meet your needs and promote your wellbeing.

How often should I engage in self-care activities?

Ideally, self-care should be a daily practice, but the frequency and type of activities can vary depending on your personal needs, schedule, and the specific goals of your self-care plan. Some practices, like mindfulness or gratitude journaling, can be done daily to help improve your mental health. Others, such as physical exercise or social events, might be scheduled throughout the week. The key is making self-care a regular part of your routine.

Is it okay to include activities like hobbies in my self-care plan?

Hobbies and activities you enjoy are excellent elements of a self-care plan. Hobbies can provide a sense of joy, relaxation, and fulfillment that’s essential for positive mental health and overall wellbeing. Whether it's painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument, any hobby that brings you happiness can be valuable for stress relief and mental wellness.

What should I do if I struggle to stick to my self-care plan?

Struggling to stick to your self-care plan is common, especially when life gets busy or stressful. If you find yourself facing this challenge, consider simplifying your plan. 

Focus on one or two manageable activities that you find most beneficial and enjoyable. Reflect on any barriers preventing you from prioritizing self-care and explore ways to overcome them. It's okay to adjust your plan to make it work for you. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals for encouragement and accountability with your personal wellness.

Can self-care plans help with mental health issues?

Self-care plans can play a significant role in managing mental health issues by providing strategies to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. Activities focused on relaxation, stress management, and emotional wellbeing can offer significant relief and support. However, while self-care is important for mental health maintenance, seek professional treatment if you have a serious mental health condition.

Calm your mind. Change your life.

Mental health is hard. Getting support doesn't have to be. The Calm app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. 

Images: Getty


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