40 best quotes about meditation and mindfulness

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA
Need a boost of inspiration? Check out 40 of our favorite quotes from the Calm family on all things mindfulness to support you on your mental health journey.
Got a case of the meditation blahs? We’ve all been there. Just like any practice, your motivation and willingness to meditate can ebb and flow. Maybe your schedule feels extra full, you're dealing with some chronic pain, or you just… don’t feel like it. It’s all normal.
Whether you're stuck in a rut or just in the mood for a little inspiration, we’ve rounded up our favorite quotes about meditation and mindfulness from some of your Calm family favs to put a little pep (back) in your meditation step.
You might scan through them all, or pick one to sit with for a while. You could also try writing one down and putting it in a place you’ll see it often to keep that boost of motivation going when life starts life-ing.
40 meditation quotes to inspire, inform, and support your meditation & mindfulness practice
1. “Are you really doing anything by just sitting here? Well, yes in fact you are. Because doing nothing is doing something. Pausing is a purposeful act of kindness toward yourself. It’s how we catch our breath, recharge, and gain perspective.” — Tamara Levitt
💙 Learn (or get a refresher on) the basics of meditation in Tamara’s 7 Days of Calm series.
2. “The most promising time to meditate [is] when the circumstances [are] the most challenging, the environment the most bumpy and noisy…Mindfulness isn’t training to be present in peaceful places. It’s about practicing presence in all kinds of situations, including those that are the most difficult. Distracting circumstances, even intense ones.” — Jay Shetty
💙 Work on your ability to practice presence during tough times during the Train of Thought session of the Daily Jay.
3. “At its most elemental, meditation is about just sitting and being ok not doing anything. It’s an attitude of accepting the moment just how it is and not making a big deal of it. This mindset helps us begin to relax in a deeper way.” — Jeff Warren
💙 Supercharge your meditation practice with Jeff Warren in his Mindfulness for Beginners program.
4. “Mindfulness is a pause – the space between stimulus and response: that’s where choice lies.” — Tara Brach
💙 Awaken your capacity for mindfulness in the Relaxed, Open Hearted Presence meditation with Tara Brach.
5. “Sleep and meditation are a huge part of my routine, whether I’m at home, in the studio, or out on the road. Rest and recovery is as important as doing the work. Finding a balance has been endlessly beneficial to both my physical and mental health.” — Harry Styles
💙 Let Harry Styles help you get a better night's sleep tonight with his Dream with Me Sleep Story.
6. “When you haven’t got time to meditate, that’s probably the time when you need three times as much meditation” — Chibs Okereke
💙 When your short on time but need a mindful pause, try this One-Minute Reset meditation with Chibs Okereke.
7. “Meditation has changed my life [...] not only does it help in times like this with stress and anxiety, meditation is the practice of strengthening habits like empathy, love, and compassion- making you feel more connected to not only everybody around you but living beings in general...” — Camila Cabello
💙 Learn about Camila’s mindfulness journey, and her go-to tools for stress and anxiety, during her Breathe into It series.
8. “It took me from a place of fear and anxiety to a place where I realized you can’t get anywhere if you don’t start with compassion for yourself.” — Shawn Mendez
💙 Hear about Shawn’s mindfulness journey and how he stays grounded during his Breathe Into It series.
9. “Mindfulness is not about never being mindless, it’s about learning to come back to an open-hearted and wise presence sooner and sooner.” — Elisha Goldstein
💙 Shift out of autopilot and come back to the present moment in the Anxiety Release meditation with Elisha Goldstein.
10. “When we practice Mindfulness, we learn to become aware of what is happening in the present moment, without judging or evaluating, which allows us to experience a greater connection with life, internally and externally.” — Dr. Eric López Maya
💙 Use mindfulness to Stop and Connect with yourself during this short meditation with Dr. Eric López
11. “Mindfulness practices can and do help us feel better, but it's not by avoiding the uncomfortable stuff; it's actually by coming to understand and have a different relationship with the uncomfortable stuff.” — Oren Jay Sofer
💙 Bring more ease to the uncomfortable stuff in your life during the 7 Days of Soothing Pain series with Oren Jay Sofer.
12. “The medicine for that is to remember that the main goal in meditation is not to get to certain good states, but rather to eliminate what gets in the way of those good states. If you do that, those good states will be available any time you wish.” — Shinzen Young
💙 Practice bringing mindfulness into all parts of your day with the Mindfulness in Daily Life meditation with Shinzen Young.
13. “With mindfulness, each time we fall, we bring ourselves back with elevated self-compassion and patience. So in a sense, even a step backwards strengthens the next step forward.” — Tamara Levitt
💙 Build confidence in your Capacity to Change during this session of the Daily Calm.
14. “We often experience life as a series of ups and downs, highs and lows. But if we can consistently return to center, we'll be more peaceful and less reactive, resting in the eye of the storm.” — Jay Shetty
💙 If your life is feeling like a rollercoaster, let Jay Shetty help you come Back to Center during this short session.
15. “Think of strength-training at the gym. Growth comes when we work at our edge. We want to give up, but if we can stay a little bit with the discomfort ... that's where we’re really building muscle, increasing endurance, and generally expanding capacity. It’s the same with building our mindfulness muscles. We practice staying open and present when things get intense in meditation, so that we can stay open and present when things get intense in life.” — Jeff Warren
💙 Work on building your meditation “muscles” during the Strength Training session of the Daily Trip with Jeff Warren.
16. “Meditation is evolution’s strategy to bring out our full potential.” — Tara Brach
💙 Awaken to your full potential by Saying Yes to Life in this meditation with Tara Brach.
17. “Meditation practice is neither holding on nor avoiding; it is a settling back into the moment, opening to what is there.” — Jack Kornfield
💙 Learn how to settle into the present moment and Start Where You Are during this meditation with Jack Kornfield.
18. “Meditating helps a lot for me personally with taking a lot of deep breaths, closing my eyes and just centering myself and listening to my inner self... That definitely is something that keeps me sane in the bubble.” — Lebron James
💙 Get all of Lebron James’ mental fitness tips during his Train Your Mind – Vol 1 and Train your Mind – Vol 2 series.
19. “Your mind is your instrument, learn to play it well.” — Tamara Levitt
💙 Practice playing the instrument of your mind during the meditation on Thinking from the Breaking Habits series.
20. “The mind wanders, that’s sort of what it’s good at. Our task is simply to notice when that happens, and gently, kindly, come back to the present moment.” — Mel Mah
💙 Let Mel Mah bring movement into your mindfulness practice during her Daily Move sessions.
21. “Once we are more mindful we notice the good things around us a lot more and the bad things around us don’t really affect us as much as they used to.” — Chibs Okereke
💙 Notice the good in your morning by Starting Off on the Right Foot with the help of this meditation with Chibs Okereke.
22. “The key is learning to observe our mind without trying to change it. We’re like wildlife researchers, watching our minds in their natural habitat in order to learn more about them. And here’s the crazy paradox: trying to observe our mind without changing it, does change it. Patterns of obsessive rumination start to cool out. We begin to find more space, more peace.” — Jeff Warren
💙 Get some space from your inner critic and learn to be a Friend On the Inside during this meditation with Jeff Warren.
23. “The aim of meditation is not to stop thinking. It is to be more aware of thinking, so that our thoughts don’t control us. Thinking is as natural to the mind as hearing is to our ears. If you believe that you’re supposed to stop thinking, then meditation will be a struggle filled with frustration and tension. However, if you understand that getting lost in thought and beginning again is simply part of the practice, then the whole process becomes more easeful and enjoyable.” — Oren Jay Sofer
💙 Explore relaxation techniques to quiet the mind and unwind into sleep during the Deep Rest meditation with Oren Jay Sofer.
24. “This is practice, not perfection. We’re here to offer ourselves a gift. Meditate not to achieve something, but because you deserve this nourishing and insightful experience.” — Tamara Levitt
💙 Nourish yourself with a Loving Kindness practice during this session with Tamara Levitt.
25. “Meditation, yoga, working out, and eating well. That’s my wellness. And I think occasionally you have to treat yourself, so if you do need to take yourself shopping, go take yourself shopping” — Cynthia Erivo
💙 Go backstage with Cynthia Erivo as she helps you fall asleep during her Sleep Story, Behind the Velvet Curtain.
26. “Meditation has very little to do with what we pay attention to, and a whole lot to do with the way we pay attention.” — Jeff Warren
💙 Jeff Warren will help you find your focus in meditation from A Comfortable Place during this session of the Daily Trip.
27. “Every time we ponder a thought, act on an impulse, or dwell on a desire, we are setting in motion a cause that will have a future effect. Mindfulness enables us to choose wisely.” — Tamara Levitt
💙 Explore the concept of Karma, and the power you have to change your path with meditation during this session of the Daily Calm.
28. “I want to demystify and destigmatize mindfulness, to make it accessible for everyone, anytime, anywhere. We’re all unique. We’re all different. So it would make sense that our meditation practices would be as well. For some people, that may mean mindfully walking their dog. Or hiking. Some people love washing the dishes, and find mindfulness there. If you look for it, you can find countless opportunities for meditation in the natural flow of your day-to-day life.” — Jay Shetty
💙 Find your own path to meditation and mindfulness during the Mindfulness for You session of the Daily Jay.
29. “Attention is the most basic form of love. By paying attention we let ourselves be touched by life, and our hearts naturally become more open and engaged.” — Tara Brach
💙 Give yourself the attention you deserve during Tara Brach’s Radical Self-Compassion masterclass.
30. “We live in an extremely noisy world with all kinds of frequencies coming at us. We got commitments, we got deadlines, fix this, do that, plans, expectations, and they all make it hard to get clarity and peace of mind. So we have to consciously put ourselves in places to receive that clarity. Now, that may be prayer, that may be meditation, that may be a walk about, that may be being in the right company, a road trip, whatever it is for you, schedule that time. Schedule it.” — Matthew McConaughey
💙 Explore life's paradoxes and practical wisdom during a Calm Conversation with Matthew McConaughey and Jeff Warren.
31. “Meditation isn’t about achieving some special state, but rather learning how to live well. Meditation provides a laboratory to study how the mind works. We clear the mind in order to look more deeply and understand the nature of life.” — Oren Jay Sofer
💙 Enjoy a guided visualization to support ease and relaxation in Oren Jay Sofer’s Rhythm of the Train meditation.
32. “Having a busy mind is a natural part of meditating, so it’s nothing to feel frustrated about. What’s most important is the attitude of coming back. Each time you catch yourself lost in thought, see it as an invitation to return to awareness with gentle patience.” — Tamara Levitt
💙 Inspire trust and compassion in yourself, and your meditation practice, with the help of the Relationship With Self series.
33. “A dedicated mindful practice doesn't automatically equal a mindful life. It takes an intentional approach to your lifestyle, habits, and routines to nurture an ecosystem where mindfulness can thrive.” — Jay Shetty
💙 Learn how to build A Mindful Life with Jay Shetty’s help during this session of the Daily Jay.
34. “Finding a meditation technique we like is like finding a style of exercise we like. All exercise helps with physical health. Similarly, all meditation techniques help with mental health. And all of them build up our core muscles of clarity, concentration and equanimity. You only need to find one type of meditation exercise you like.” — Jeff Warren
💙Find Kindness for Yourself on your mindfulness path during this short meditation with Jeff Warren.
35. “As our mindfulness practice grows, so does our ability to hold that which feels unholdable. We’re better able to find some calm within the chaos, and move through the uncertainties of life.” — Tamara Levitt
💙 Nurture yourself during turbulent times with help from Tamara Levitt’s A Heart Less Heavy meditations.
36. “Meditation is a practice that is considered mainstream: The NFL uses it, the NBA uses it, heart patients use it. It’s very easy to consider yourself a meditator and not be too alternative-minded.” — Laura Dern
💙 Fall into a peaceful sleep as Laura Dern reads you the tale of The Ocean Moon.
37. “Your senses create a soundtrack that is always available. It might not be the first one you reach for, but if you give it a chance, you might be surprised, and even delighted, by what you find.” — Mel Mah
💙 Follow your senses to bring mindfulness to your next movement session when you take A Mindful Run with Mel Mah.
38. “Just as a clear pond reflects the sky, mindfulness allows us to see the truth of our experience.” — Tara Brach
💙 Release anxiety and find a place of inner safety inside you with Tara Brach’s Letting Go Into Sleep meditation.
39. “By quieting our mind and body, and tuning in, we can open up to our inner landscape. And in doing so, we also develop the capacity to be fully present with our external environment. When we really notice our surroundings, we can tune into a universe of detail, discovering magic in places we normally pass through on autopilot.” — Tamara Levitt
💙 Let the sounds of a bell help you explore Immersion into your surroundings during this Daily Calm meditation.
40. “One of the things I find so moving about meditation is the way it gives us permission to just be here without having to prove ourselves. It’s like deep down, a lot of us don’t really think we’re allowed to be here, or that we’re enough. It’s like we feel we have to somehow prove our worth, earn our own existence. So we never stop hustling and strategizing. But your existence is already here. It’s your own effortless presence… the one here right now. It’s already perfectly holding you.” — Jeff Warren
💙 Put down the struggle and find your Effortless presence during this session of the Daily Trip.
How to start a meditation practice: 4 tips to build a daily habit
Feeling inspired? We thought so. Use that boost of motivation to help you re-invest in your meditation practice, maybe even make it a daily habit (if you haven’t already). It may sound hard, but it doesn't have to be. Here are 4 easy tips to help you make meditation a part of your daily life.
1. Find a time that works for you
The best time of day to meditate is the time of day that you’ll actually meditate. Some people like to begin their day with a meditation practice, while others may enjoy taking a meditation break in the middle or at the end of a stressful day.
Think about what may work best in your schedule, or when you could most use a mindful break during your day. You can even add it to your calendar (like you would any other important meeting or appointment) to help you stay on track.
2. Pair meditation with an established habit
Once you’ve established your timing, try pairing your session with a habit you already do. The brain loves to make connections, so use this to your benefit when trying to stick to your practice.
You could try meditating right after an everyday activity like brushing your teeth, washing your face, or even eating lunch. Eventually, these activities will become the mental cue that it’s time to meditate.
3. Set clear intentions
Get clear about why exactly you are meditating. Is it for stress relief? Better focus? Deeper self-awareness? Whatever your motivation, staying close to these intentions will help you stay committed.
You may even write them down and put them in the area where you meditate to keep them top of mind.
4. Find a comfortable position
This may sound simple, but honoring the needs of your body is an important part of building a long term habit. You don’t need to sit in any certain position to meditate, it’s all about what works best for you — which may change each day.
You can try different meditation positions to find what feels good for you. Yes, this includes lying down.
Quotes about meditation FAQs
What is a powerful quote about meditation?
“Your mind is your instrument, learn to play it well.” — Tamara Levitt
This quote emphasizes the power of meditation as a tool to train your mind. A lot of us can feel powerless over the anxious, distracted, or negative thoughts that happen in our mind, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
In this quote, Tamara Levitt, Head of Mindfulness at Calm, alludes to the fact that we can have more control than we may realize when we learn how to work with our mind using tools like mindfulness and meditation.
What is a quote for mindfulness meditation?
“The key is learning to observe our mind without trying to change it. We’re like wildlife researchers, watching our minds in their natural habitat in order to learn more about them. And here’s the crazy paradox: trying to observe our mind without changing it, does change it. Patterns of obsessive rumination start to cool out. We begin to find more space, more peace.” — Jeff Warren
This quote by meditation teacher and host of the Daily Trip, Jeff Warren, captures the essence of mindfulness meditation, which is about being fully present and accepting the current moment without adding any judgment or trying to change your experience. And in this letting go of trying to change the mind, we are actually creating change on a deeper level.
How can quotes help me with meditation?
Quotes from people we trust and admire can serve as powerful reminders and sources of inspiration. Quotes about meditation may help to reinforce the principles of the practice, provide motivation during difficult times, and offer new perspectives on how you approach mindfulness in your life. Reflecting on a meaningful quote before or after meditation can deepen your understanding and commitment to the practice.
What should I do when I don’t feel like meditating?
We all have days when we don’t feel like meditating—or doing much of anything on our todo lists—and rather than judging yourself, try to bring mindfulness to your experience. You may get curious about why you don’t want to meditate and choose how to respond to these findings.
There may be times where you need to gently push yourself to just get started, and reminding yourself of your intentions of practice, and how it can benefit you, may be helpful. There may also be times when a walking or movement meditation feels better to your body, or times when what you really need is a nap!
While it’s good to stay committed to your meditation habit, you don’t have to be rigid. Find ways to explore and respond in the moment to keep your practice engaging and fresh.
How can I get my motivation to meditate back?
If you’ve fallen off the mediation wagon, it can help to revisit your initial reasons for starting your practice. Reflect on the benefits you’ve already experienced, and what goals you’re still working towards each time you show up to meditate.
You could also try taking a class or exploring different guided meditations to rekindle your spark to meditate. Reading inspiring quotes or books about meditation may also provide a boost to your motivation.
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