100 conversation starters for different types of gatherings

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, MBA
Getting to know new people can be difficult. Whether you’re in a personal or professional setting, explore 100 conversation starters to get the chit-chat flowing.
Ever walk into a party where you don’t recognize a single soul and you instantly want to turn on your heels, head home, and climb into bed? Yep, happens to the best of us. And if we’re being honest, it’s definitely happened more than once.
Starting a conversation with someone new may feel like the hardest part of any social event. Whether it’s a new friend’s birthday brunch you reluctantly agreed to attend, or a networking event full of people you’ve only interacted with via email, talking IRL can be nerve-wracking.
With new people, it’s easy to feel a little awkward or unsure of what to say. Even if you’ve spent years making small talk, it never feels totally effortless. But, the beauty of a good conversation starter is that it doesn’t have to be complicated. A simple question or comment can open the door to connection, shared laughs, or even meaningful exchanges.
If you’re hoping to make a good first impression or turn strangers into friends, having a few go-to conversation starters in your back pocket can make you feel more confident walking into a room. Here’s what you need to flip the switch from no-chat to chatterbox.
25 conversation starters for parties
Parties are often filled with energy, laughter… and the occasional awkward pause. While the atmosphere might be lively, approaching someone new or keeping a conversation going after initial introductions can still feel intimidating. (Feeling nervous? Here are eight tips to help overcome social anxiety.)
The secret is to keep things light, engaging, and open-ended. Think questions that invite people to share a little about themselves — without feeling like they’re being put on the spot.
These versatile conversation starters are perfect for any party setting, even grandma’s 80th birthday party with extended family, or a block party with the neighbors you wave to but don’t really know.
Oh, I love your shoes!
Approaching a stranger can be tricky, but paying a compliment to them might perk their ear and pique their interest. Here are a few suggestions.
“I love your [outfit/shoes/accessory]! Where did you get it?”
“I love this song, do you know who sings it?”
“I’m loving these [decor/household objects], any idea where the host got them?”
“You have such a confident energy. What’s your secret?”
“This food is great! Any idea where it’s from/who made it?”
Come here often?
Sometimes it’s easiest to chat about the event you’re attending since it’s a commonality between you and whomever you’re talking with. Here are a few ways to dive deeper in convo.
“How do you know [host’s name]?”
“How long have you known [host’s name]?”
“What’s been your favorite part of the event so far?”
“Have you been to any other events like this recently?”
“Have you met [person you may know in common with the host]?”
So, what else is new?
Once you get to know someone, if you have a rapport, it can be fun to move into more light-hearted topics that are fun or funny.
“What’s something you’re really excited about right now?”
“What’s the most unexpected thing that’s happened to you this week?”
“Do you have any other fun plans this weekend?”
“What’s one thing you’re really glad happened to you this week?”
“If you could spend a whole day doing anything you wanted, what would you do?”
Have you tried the shrimp?
Standing by the bar or the buffet table, chatting about what’s there can be another easy way to strike up a conversation with other party goers.
“Have you tried the [specific dish or drink]? It’s amazing!”
“What’s your go-to party snack when you’re hosting?”
“What’s your favorite kind of food/restaurant?”
“What’s your favorite cocktail or mocktail?”
“What’s the most memorable meal or drink you’ve ever had at a party?”
Favorite band?
For better or worse we all consume media, and sometimes it’s a great way to strike up a conversation.
“Have you been watching anything good lately?”
“What are your favorite podcasts?”
“Who’s your favorite band/artist?”
“Read anything thought provoking lately?”
“What’s your favorite late night show?”
💙 If you’re hoping to meet someone in a social setting, but need a confidence boost, explore Dating Courageously with Jeff Warren.
25 funny conversation starters
Ever met someone who instantly made you laugh and you wanted to get to know them better? That’s because humor is a universal connector — it helps break the ice and can put people at ease. The beauty of funny questions is that they spark lighthearted exchanges, making it easier to connect. (Hoping to make stronger connections? Here are 15 ways to build rapport.)
Desert island musts
Who doesn’t love a hypothetical? It’s a chance to be creative and find common ground with others.
“If you had to eat one food for every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
“If you were suddenly turned into an animal for a week, which one would you choose and why?”
“If you could teleport anywhere right now, where would you go?”
“What three items would you bring with you to a desert island?”
“What pet peeve of yours would you outlaw if you could?”
Taking it all the way back
Think about how many of us had crushes on the same teen heart throb or starlet! Talking about childhood nostalgia is a great way to connect with new people, and a really fun way to learn about how others grew up.
“What’s the most embarrassing fashion trend you’ve ever tried?”
“Who was your childhood movie crush?”
“If you could bring back one trend from the past, what would it be?”
“What’s the first concert you ever attended?”
“What’s one thing from your childhood you wish adults could do guilt-free?”
Keeping it weird
If you’re talking with someone who feels like they’re an open book, it can be a fun chance to ask some off-the-wall questions.
“What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever Googled?”
“What recurring dream do you have most often?”
“What’s the strangest food combination you love?”
“What’s the weirdest superstition you actually kind of believe in?”
“If you could ask your pet (or a random animal) one question and get an answer, what would it be?”
So, funny story…
Sometimes a little bit of humility and humor can help you connect with someone. If you decide to ask questions about embarrassing things, be sure to offer your answer as well.
“What’s your go-to karaoke song?”
“What’s your favorite embarrassing story?”
“If you could become an expert in one thing, what would it be?”
“What's one trend you wish you hadn't gotten so into?”
“What’s one thing you took way too seriously in school?”
Targeted ads got you figured out?
Nothing brings two would-be friends together faster than a “me too!” moment. Here are a few ways you might connect with someone over your shared humanity.
“If you had to pick one chore to never do again, what would it be?”
“What’s the wildest targeted ad you get?”
“What’s the worst excuse you’ve ever used to get out of something?”
“What movie will you watch any time it’s on TV?”
“What’s your most embarrassing social media habit?”
💙 If social situations make you uneasy, explore how to ease your anxiety Before a Social Engagement from our Confidence Series.
25 conversation starters for dinner parties
Dinner parties are a great place to get to know new people or connect with acquaintances on a deeper level. They’re usually intimate and relaxed, and since you’re typically seated and sharing a meal, there’s lots of chances to converse with the people around you.
A good dinner party conversation starter strikes a balance between being thoughtful and inclusive, allowing everyone at the table to chime in.
And if you usually prefer to be at the kid’s table, try this list of engaging questions and prompts to spark enjoyable conversations during your next dinner party. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the one hosting the next dinner party soon!
If it was your last meal…
Who doesn’t love talking about the best meals you’ve ever had. Here are some fun questions for the foodie in all of us.
“What’s the best meal you’ve ever had, and where did you have it?”
“If you could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
“What’s the most unusual dish you’ve ever tried?”
“If you were to host a dinner party, what theme would you choose?”
“If you knew it was your last meal, what would it be?”
How many stamps are in your passport?
Traveling is one of life’s great pleasures, and whether you’ve got a dozen stamps in your passport, or a stack of aspirational travel books, chatting about traveling is a great way to connect. Who knows. someone’s travel story might inspire your next vacation!
“If you could hop on a plane tomorrow, where would you go?”
“What’s the best trip you’ve ever been on?”
“Have you ever discovered a dish while traveling that you now make at home?”
“Whats the most interesting tradition or custom you learned about while traveling?”
“What’s one place you’ve visited that made you see the world a little differently?”
When did you fall in love with food?
The ways we all fall in love with different foods is special. Maybe it’s grandma’s recipe, or our favorite restaurant. Here are some ways to connect over your treasured food-memories.
“What’s a childhood meal or dish that brings back good memories?”
“Who taught you how to cook — or do you remember the first meal you ever made?”
“What’s a recipe or cooking hack you swear by?”
“What’s the most memorable meal you’ve ever shared with someone special?”
“What’s a food tradition in your family or culture that you’d love to pass down?”
If you had a time machine…
These kinds of fun hypothetical questions can be a lot of fun when you’re sitting around a table chatting with a new group of acquaintances, or an established pod of pals. Sometimes silly questions can even lead to deep, meaningful discussions.
“If you could invite three famous people, dead or alive, to dinner, who would they be and why?”
“If you had a time machine where would you go? Would you change anything?”
“If you could take a class from anyone living or historical, who would it be?”
“What’s one food you’ve never tried but would love to?”
“If this dinner party was a movie, who would you cast as each of us?”
What are you watching/reading?
Who doesn’t need more recs for podcasts, movies, and books! Tapping into your social circles might make for even more meaningful recommendations than ads or influencers.
“What’s a book, movie, podcast, or show you think everyone should experience at least once?”
“What do you always turn on for comfort when you're sick?”
“What’s your go-to record/album to play at parties?”
“What’s on your TBR list?”
“What's the last thing you [watched/read/listened to] that you couldn't stop thinking about?”
💙 Walking into a dinner party feeling nervous? Reset with the Breath with Jay Shetty first.
25 conversation starters for networking events
Networking events are meant for connection, but let’s be real — not everyone finds networking easy. Conversations can sometimes feel forced or intimidating, especially if it’s your first time and you don’t know anyone.
A good conversation starter at a networking event should invite the other person to share their experiences, interests, and expertise, all while creating a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Focus on being approachable, professional, and genuinely interested in the person you’re speaking with (and don’t forget to make eye contact!).
This list of conversation starters can help you feel confident and make a lasting—and appropriate—impression.
How did you get into this line of work?
It might seem obvious, but chatting about someone’s line of work at a networking or professional event is a great way to start a conversation.
“What inspired you to get into your line of work?”
“What’s the most rewarding part of your job?”
“What’s a recent project you’ve worked on that you’re really proud of?”
“What brought you to this event today?”
“What part of your work brings you the most joy or fulfillment?”
What’s changing in your industry?
Maybe you’re new to the industry, or maybe you’re changing career paths… but finding out about changes in your field is a great way to show eagerness and to prepare yourself to be a cut above others in your line of work.
“What’s a big trend in your industry right now that you’re excited about?”
“How do you think [specific trend or challenge] is going to affect our industry in the next few years?”
“What’s a skill or technology you think everyone in our field should be learning?”
“What’s one thing you think is often overlooked in our industry?”
“What changes in your industry do you think could make the biggest positive impact?”
Have you met any of your heroes?
Gaining wisdom from what other people have learned is a simple way to fast track your own success. If you’re open to feedback or advice these kinds of questions can help in your own personal and professional development.
“How would you change your career if you could?”
“What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about your career?”
“Have you met any of your heroes?”
“What’s something about your work that most people don’t realize or understand?”
“What motivates you to keep growing and learning in your career?”
What’s on your vision board?
Setting your sights on the future? Here are a few ways to chat about what’s coming down the pike for you and for others.
“What’s something you’re working on right now that you’re really excited about?”
“What’s one thing you hope to take away from this event?”
“If you could collaborate with anyone in your industry, who would it be and why?”
“What’s one skill you’d love to develop or improve in the next year?”
“What goals are on your “vision board” and how are you working toward them?”
Advice for your younger self?
Sometimes it’s comforting to know that those who’ve come before you have also struggled, learned, and grown. Here are a few ways to learn from their successes and maybe even their failures.
“What’s a career milestone you’re particularly proud of?”
“What’s the most surprising lesson you’ve learned in your career?”
“What’s the best class/seminar/workshop you’ve ever attended?”
“If you could give your younger self one piece of career advice, what would it be?”
“What’s one moment in your career that truly changed the way you see your work?”
Conversation starters FAQs
What are some good conversation starters?
Good conversation starters are open-ended and invite people to share about themselves. It’s all about showing genuine curiosity and keeping the tone light and approachable.
Questions like, “What’s been the highlight of your week?” or “What’s something new you’ve tried recently?” work well in most settings because they encourage positive and engaging discussions.
You can also tailor your questions to the situation, such as asking, “How do you know the host?” at a social event or, “What’s a goal you’re working on right now?” in a professional context.
What are some engaging conversation starters for work events?
At work events, focus on professional but friendly questions like, “What inspired you to pursue your career?” or “What’s a project you’re currently excited about?”
These prompts allow others to share their passions and experiences while keeping the tone relevant to the event. You can also ask about trends, challenges, or favorite tools in their field to spark deeper discussions.
How can I break the ice at a party?
Breaking the ice at a party is all about finding common ground and keeping it light. Compliments like, “I love your outfit — where did you get it?” or setting-based questions like, “Have you tried the [specific dish or drink]? It’s amazing!” are easy ways to get the conversation started.
You can also try fun, open-ended prompts like, “What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?” or “If you could instantly travel anywhere right now, where would you go?” A friendly smile and genuine curiosity go a long way. Also asking a stranger about their passions is a great way to spark conversation.
Feeling like you’re not passionate about much? Here’s how to find your passion in five mindful steps.
What are the best ways to start a conversation at a networking event?
At a networking event, open with questions that are relevant to the setting and allow for meaningful exchange, such as, “What brought you to this event?” or “What’s a skill you think everyone in our industry should learn?”
You can also ask about their career journey or recent projects — but make sure you’re showing genuine interest in their experiences. Keeping the conversation positive and professional helps establish a strong connection. These 15 tips on building rapport might help too.
How do you approach a group conversation at a dinner party?
To join a group conversation at a dinner party, listen to the topic being discussed and jump in naturally with a related comment or question, like, “That sounds so interesting — can you tell me more?”
You can also introduce a new topic with questions such as, “What’s everyone’s favorite type of cuisine?” or “What’s a dish you’ve always wanted to learn how to cook?”
Focus on being approachable and letting others share their perspectives to keep the discussion lively and welcoming.
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